gopep (Go Lang Portable Executable Parser)

gopep (Go Lang Portable Executable Parser) is project I have been working on for learning about Windows Portable Executables (PE) compiled in Go. As most malware analyst have noticed, there has been an uptick in malware (particularly ransomware) compiled in Go. At first glance, reverse engineering Go PE files can be intimidating. The files are commonly over 3MB in size, contains thousands of functions and have a unique calling convention that can return multiple arguments. The first time I opened up an executable in IDA, I was lucky because the plugin IDAGolangHelper was able to identify everything. The second time, I wasn't so lucky. This motivated me to port IDAGolangHelper to IDA 7.5, Python 3, convert the GUI to PyQT and include some code that parsed the Go source code and added the Go function comments to the IDB. After everything was done, my code didn't fix up the IDB. This lead me writing gopep. In IDAGolangHelper defense, the issue was because the hard-coded bytes used to identify Go version had not been updated for a couple of years. I should have checked this first or checked one of the multiple pull requests. 

gopep is a Python script that can parse Go compiled PE file without using Go. The script only relies on Pefile. There are similar scripts that are excellent for ELF executables but during my analysis I noticed they threw exceptions when parsing PE files. Below we can see the command line options that gopep currently supports, it can also be used as a class.

C:\Users\null\Documents\repo\gopep>python -h
usage: [-h] [-c C_DIR] [-e E_FILE] [-x EA_DIR] [-v IN_FILE] [-m MD_FILE] [-t T_FILE] [-ev ET_FILE]

gopep Go Portable Executable Parser

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c C_DIR, --cluster C_DIR
                        cluster directory of files
  -e E_FILE, --export E_FILE
                        export results of file to JSON
  -x EA_DIR, --export_all EA_DIR
                        export results of directory to JSONs
  -v IN_FILE, --version IN_FILE
                        print version
  -m MD_FILE, --module-data MD_FILE
                        print module data details
  -t T_FILE, --triage T_FILE
                        triage file, print interesting attributes
  -ev ET_FILE, --everything ET_FILE
                        print EVERYTHING!

gopep is primarily for exploring structures within PE files compiled in Go but it also supports clustering. The clustering algorithm is similar to import hashing but uses a sets of symbol names and file paths that are unique to executables compiled in Go. As with most executable clustering algorithms, it can be broken by compressing the executable. The clustering can be done by passing a command of -c and a directory of files that should be clustered. I would not recommend clustering to many files using my code. You'd be better off exporting the hashes using the command -x , parsing the JSONs and then querying that way. 

The README for the project has more details on the fields parsed, my notes and a great set of references for anyone wanting to read up on what happens when Go compiles an executable.


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