Manually tracing the code or searching for all cross references is kind of painful to find what populated the value. Since the displacement is kind of unique due to it's value of 0x130 or 304 it can be targeted very easily in IDAPython.
import idautils import idaapi displace = {} # for each known function for func in idautils.Functions(): flags = idc.GetFunctionFlags(func) # skip library & thunk functions if flags & FUNC_LIB or flags & FUNC_THUNK: continue dism_addr = list(idautils.FuncItems(func)) for curr_addr in dism_addr: op = None index = None # same as idc.GetOptype, just a different way of accessing the types idaapi.decode_insn(curr_addr) if idaapi.cmd.Op1.type == idaapi.o_displ: op = 1 if idaapi.cmd.Op2.type == idaapi.o_displ: op = 2 if op == None: continue if "bp" in idaapi.tag_remove(idaapi.ua_outop2(curr_addr, 0)) or \ "bp" in idaapi.tag_remove(idaapi.ua_outop2(curr_addr, 1)): # ebp will return a negative number if op == 1: index = (~(int(idaapi.cmd.Op1.addr) - 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) else: index = (~(int(idaapi.cmd.Op2.addr) - 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) else: if op == 1: index = int(idaapi.cmd.Op1.addr) else: index = int(idaapi.cmd.Op2.addr) # create key for each unique displacement value if index: if displace.has_key(index) == False: displace[index] = [] displace[index].append(curr_addr)
Python>for x in displace[0x130]: print hex(x), GetDisasm(x) 0x10004f12 mov [esi+130h], eax 0x10004f68 mov [esi+130h], eax 0x10004fda push dword ptr [esi+130h] ; hObject 0x10005260 push dword ptr [esi+130h] ; hObject 0x10005293 push dword ptr [eax+130h] ; hHandle 0x100056be push dword ptr [esi+130h] ; hEvent 0x10005ac7 push dword ptr [esi+130h] ; hEvent Python>
The dictionary created by the script is named displace. It will contain all displaced values. Not super 1337 but still useful. Cheers.
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