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Note: The IP addresses have been removed |
What is extflow.py? It's script that uses tcpflow to separate a pcap into streams and then checks the headers of the streams for file signatures. There are a number of similar tools but I have found them to get confused when scanning files that contain embedded files. An example would be a PDF that contains a SWF. In the image above we can see a pcap that was used to capture the payload from a drive by exploit. The first thing we will need in order to run extflow.py is the newest version of tcpflow. The newest version can be downloaded from the following link. Most repositories will not have the new version if you try installing via yum or apt-get. I'd recommend doing a wget, decompress, a ./configure, make, then make install and we should be ready to go. Once tcpflow is installed we will just need to pass the script the pcap. The script will call tcpflow with the -AH -r flags.
- -AH : extract HTTP objects and unzip GZIP-compressed HTTP messages
- -r: read packets from tcpdump pcap file (may be repeated)
To do:
Integrate hachior-subfile for identifying files.
extflow.py - download
#!/usr/bin/env python # extflow.py v.2 created by alexander.hanel@gmail.com # This is a simple script that will carve out files # from streams created by tcpflow. # find ../ -name 'dump.pcap' -exec ./ext-flow.py {} \; import hashlib import os.path import sys import re from StringIO import StringIO import subprocess as sub def MD5(d): # d = buffer of the read file # This function hashes the buffer # source: http://stackoverflow.com/q/5853830 if type(d) is str: d = StringIO(d) md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: data = d.read(128) if not data: break md5.update(data) return md5.hexdigest() def check_tcpflow_ver(): p = sub.Popen(['tcpflow', '-V'], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) out = p.communicate()[0] # for longevity reasons, this is crappy logic to check for the version if 'tcpflow 1.' not in out and 'tcpflow 2.' not in out: print "\t[ERROR] Please download 1.0 or higer" print "\tDownload: https://github.com/simsong/tcpflow/" sys.exit(1) def ext(header): # To add a new signature add your own elif statement # elif 'FILE SIGNATURE' in header: # return 'FILE EXTENSION' if 'MZ' in header: return '.mz' elif 'FWS' in header: return '.swf' elif 'CWS' in header: return '.swf' elif 'html' in header: return '.html' elif '\x50\x4B\x03\x04\x14\x00\x08\x00\x08' in header: return '.jar' elif 'PK' in header: return '.zip' elif 'PDF' in header: return '.pdf' else: return '.bin' def parse_out_data(f_handle): parsed_data = [] data = f_handle.read() if len(data): addr_http_200 = [tmp.start() for tmp in re.finditer('HTTP/1\.1 200 OK',data)] if len(addr_http_200) == 0: # return if single file in stream parsed_data.append(data) return parsed_data # multiple files in the stream else: # get first file located at addr 0 index = 0 #for x in addr_http_200: print hex(x), #print for c, addr in enumerate(addr_http_200): # index = start, addr is the next HTTP/1.1 200 OK parsed_data.append(data[index:addr]) newline_addr = data[addr:-1].find('\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a') index = addr + (newline_addr + 4) if c+1 == len(addr_http_200): parsed_data.append(data[index:]) return parsed_data else: # length is zero no data to parse out return None def main(): check_tcpflow_ver() try: with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: pass except Exception: print "\t[ERROR] File could not be accessed" sys.exit(1) p = sub.Popen(['tcpflow', '-o', 'tcpflow_out','-AH', '-r', sys.argv[1]], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) p.wait() dire = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '/tcpflow_out/') for infile in os.listdir(dire): f = open(dire + infile, 'rb') if 'HTTPBODY' not in infile: continue parsed_results = parse_out_data(f) if parsed_results == None: continue else: for emb_files in parsed_results: ex = ext(emb_files[:20]) if 'bin' in ex: continue o = open(MD5(emb_files)+ex,'wb') o.write(emb_files) o.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
I tried your script, However the md5sum of the file carved out is different than the actual file which is downloaded via browser.
ReplyDeleteDo to the use of tcpflow and manual file extraction it is not surprising the hashes don't match. If you are trying to match md5 hashes I would not recommend using my code. Odds are Bro, NetworkMiner, etc would be a better choice. Cheers.